Spir Dynamics 94 12/1/92; Eph 141, 310 6/22/86




A.  Definition and Description.

      1. Sealing was a signature guarantee. In the ancient world, sealing was tantamount to a signature, which was tantamount to a guarantee. When a king sealed a proclamation, that became a law. When people signed a contract by using a wax seal, that was their guarantee from their integrity that they would fulfill their part.

      2. Sealing as a signature was used as a guarantee of transactions, authentication of invoices, contracts, laws, directives, orders, policies of kings or rulers.

      3. The sealing of tombs, libraries, treasuries indicated ownership.

      4. Sealing was used to ratify treaties or agreements.


B.  God the Holy Spirit makes five signature guarantees.

      1. God the Holy Spirit guarantees that your faith alone in Christ alone is effective for salvation. God the Holy Spirit takes the unbeliever’s faith alone in Christ alone and makes it effective for salvation. God the Holy Spirit guarantees His ministry of making that faith effective for salvation. God the Holy Spirit puts His seal on the unbeliever’s faith alone.

      2. The Holy Spirit guarantees eternal life at the point of salvation to everyone who believes in Christ. He does this by the creation of the human spirit, to which God the Father imputes eternal life. God the Holy Spirit seals that eternal life, Eph 4:30. There is nothing you or all the power of hell can ever do to cancel this guarantee.

      3. God the Holy Spirit guarantees the eternal security of the believer at the moment of salvation, Eph 4:30. You cannot cancel the forty things God does for you at salvation. You cannot undo what God has done. You cannot renounce your faith in Christ and no longer be saved.

      4. God the Holy Spirit guarantees the portfolio of invisible assets for every Church Age believer. There are two guarantees of our portfolio of invisible assets:  the sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit at salvation and the indwelling of Christ as the Shekinah glory. Eph 1:13; 2 Cor 1:21-22, “But God [the Father] who strengthens us in Christ [predestination] along with you, and has anointed us [baptism of the Holy Spirit plus the sealing of the Holy Spirit], who also put a seal on us and has given us the Spirit in our right lobes [filling of the Holy Spirit] as a guarantee [down payment].”

      5. God the Holy Spirit guarantees the redemption of the body on the day of redemption. Redemption of the soul occurs at the moment of salvation, Rom 3:24; Gal 3:13; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14. Redemption of the body occurs at the Rapture or resurrection of the Church, Rom 8:23, “You have been sealed to the day of redemption.”

      6. All five sealing ministries of the Holy Spirit are equal in force. All five have the same power and the same equality.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
